Company Info
112dB is a Dutch company committed to producing high quality plugins with the same warmth and unique character that vintage analog devices have. Our aim isn't to copy old devices. Instead, we try to find out what makes them tick, and use those insights to create something new. We only steal what we can use.
We like to keep things simple. We believe in 'hands on', 'no menu diving', and will never add extra functionality just to 'tick all the boxes'. When a feature doesn't add much value, we will simply leave it out. Our goal is to inspire creativity, not blocking it with too many choices and technical details.
The 112dB Team
Martijn Zwartjes studied Music Technology at the HKU in Utrecht and subsequently developed DSP algorithms for Apple Computer and Native Instruments. He has held a synthesis/sound design professorship at CalArts. His algorithms and instruments can be found in almost every Native Instruments product.
Anouschka Busch (a.k.a. nousch) studied Artificial Intelligence at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. She is a former science writer and has specialised in user interface design.
Erica Synths x 112dB
We developed several hardware products in collaboration with Erica Synths, a Latvian company known for its beautifully designed desktop units and Eurorack modules.
Desktop Units
Nightverb a stereo reverb with a unique and musical algorithm
Steampipe an 8-voice polyphonic synthesizer, that mimics the way sound is created in wind and string instruments
Eurorack Modules
Black Stereo Reverb | Black Stereo Delay | Drum Stereo FX
112dB x Klaus Voltmer
Klaus Voltmer is an Austrian software developer with an background in electronic music who has a knack for inventing the unconventional: effects and instruments with a twist. As our former head of development Klaus Voltmer has made an important contribution to the Mikron Series and has laid the foundation for future proofing the 112dB plugins. The Mikron Cascade effect has been borrowed from his synthesizer Cascade.
We are proud to host two of his products:
Cascade a synthesizer based on a complex delay network that can densify a sound up to 5832 times.
Jaws a ‘dynamic bitcrusher’: a high quality bitcrusher that features a host of modulation options.